So you’ve installed your Windows server with 2012R2 Core and the first and only thing you’ll see when logging on are:
In my opinion it would have been better if the box would say powershell.exe instead of cmd.exe, but that’s my five cent.
Let’s start with running powershell instead by running powershell.exe.
A new server name could be nice instead of the default random name…
Rename-Computer server01
We probably want to set a static IP-address also, so let’s do that.
Remember or write down the ifIndex of the Interface you want to set to static, in my case it’s number 12.
Remove-NetIPAddress –InterfaceIndex 12 Set-NetIPAddress –InterfaceIndex 12 –IPAddress –PrefixLength 24 –DefaultGateway Set-DNSClientServerAddress –InterfaceIndex 12 –ServerAddresses
If you like to add more DNS addresses, just use a comma-seperated list for
If you’re going to add the server to a domain, do like this, the Cmdlet will ask for credentials.
Add-Computer -DomainName Barrud
To activate the server
slmgr.vbs –ato
To enable Powershell Remoting this should do it…
But for some reason it didn’t work for me, so I ended up doing this:
Set-NetFirewallRule –DisplayGroup (Get-NetFirewallRule|where DisplayGroup –like *remote*|select-object –ExpandProperty DisplayGroup) –Enabled True
And now it works 🙂